“A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...” In 1977, a little known writer/director named George Lucas released his cinematic love letter to the space serial of his youth. "Star Wars," later subtitled "A New Hope," launche...
The geeks are back with a review of Ubisoft’s 10th anniversary celebration of their "Just Dance" dance rhythm franchise - "Just Dance 2020." Join Erik and his lovely wife Megan as they dance their way through 10 years of hits...
“Knowledge, like air, is vital to life. Like air, no one should be denied it.” Some of the most popular films in the past decades have been giant comic properties like the Batman films or the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Someti...
Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight? Ever since Bob Kane and Bill Finger created Batman in 1939, the Caped Crusader has been one of the most popular and recognizable comic book characters to jump from …
The geeks are back with a review of Disney's streaming service - Disney+. Join Erik, Hawk, Steve, Matt, Schaus, Gus, and Mark as they navigate through all the media the House of the Mouse can offer. How well does the …
Gamers rejoice! Erik and Steve are re-united by gaming as they talk about their time at Canada's largest video game expo - EGLX 2019. Join the geeks talk about the panels, the booths, and people they met at the Enthusiast …
This is Halloween, everybody make a scene... At this time of year, it can be hard to watch films that celebrate the season if you don't know where to start. Fear not! The geeks are here, with some special guests, …
The geeks are back with a review of Ubisoft’s 11th entry in the "Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon" tactical stealth franchise - “Ghost Recon: Breakpoint” Join Erik and Hawk as they take control of lone Ghost operative, Nomad, on a q...
It's an instinct, a feeling. The force has brought us together. The geeks have gathered on this bonus episode to react to the final "Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker" trailer. Did it meet their expectations? Are they salivati...
We all float here. After his debut novel "Carrie" was released in 1974, Stephen King has gone on to create some of the greatest horror, supernatural, suspense, and fantasy novels. His book and works of short fiction have gone...
As this generation of consoles is seemly coming to the end, the geeks have gathered to talk about their favourite gaming moments of 2019. Join Erik, Matt Moore, Steve, and Hawk as the talk about the best gaming experiences th...
Test your might as the Geeks return to answer the Internet's #2 question - what is the worst video game film ? Join Steve, Erik, Matt Moore, and Hawk as they drudge through some of the worst video game movies …
Another world, another time... in the age of wonder. After 37 years, the cult film classic "The Dark Crystal" saw the release of the Netflix produced prequel series "The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance." Join Erik, Steve, Mat...
Did you know that only 2 major blockbuster films this summer weren't made by Disney? There's a reason why they have their own convention - the D23 Expo. Join Matt, Steve, Erik, and Hawk as they look at some of …
A long time ago, we used to be friends. On July 19, everyone's favourite sarcastic PI with a quick sense of humour - Veronica Mars - returned for a fourth season to the joy of marshmallows everywhere. Join Erik, Mallory, …
Excelsior! In celebration of the latest film entry - "Spider-Man: Far from Home" - the geeks have gathered to talk about everyone's favourite friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man. Wax nostalgic as we discuss the Raimi-verse all ...
The biggest geek convention of the year, San Diego Comic-Con, has just shuddered their 2019 doors leaving fandom with so many conflicting emotions. Join the geeks as they chat about five of the biggest announcements from this...
From "Predator" to the "Alien" films, there are some franchises that just seem to keep rising from the dead. Now with the impending release of "Terminator: Dark Fate," the geeks have gathered to talk about the franchises that...
They are children of the atom, homo superior, the next link in the chain of evolution. Each was born with a unique genetic mutation, they protect even those who cannot accept their differences. They are the X-men. Join Matt, ...
Everyone loves the Marvel Cinematic Universe and everyone loves Keanu Reeves . It's only fitting that MCU honcho Kevin Feige has recently stoked the flames of imagination by saying that he has been speaking with John Wick him...
After a whirlwind week of announcements, the Geeks have returned to look back at E3 2019 . Join Erik and the two Mikes as they chat about what was and wasn't announced at this year's Electronic Entertainment Expo ? Did …
It's that time of year again when gamers gather 'round the old Twitch stream to watch The Electronic Entertainment Expo 2019. Join the geeks as they chat about what they hope to see over the course of week-long festivities. W...
Ba dum... ba dum... ba dum ba dum... dun dun dun... Did the image of a Great White Shark go through your head? Do tubular bells play in your head on a misty night? Then the latest episode of Geeks …
After 8 seasons and 71 episodes, HBO's " Game of Thrones " has finally come to an end. Join the geeks as they sing a song of ice and fire about the series finale of George R.R. Martin's fantasy epic. …